Saturday, December 29, 2012

Petite Bonjour..............

This is my first post on here so I will use it to introduce myself. My name is Phil and I will be 58 at the end of next month, yikes, where have all those years gone? I started surfing age 19 back in Wales when your average board was a 7' 6" singlefin and wetsuits were very leaky. I am amazed at the progression of board design and technology over the years and particularly like the variety of wavecraft we use now, all manner of hybrids. The photo shows my quiver as of last summer from fins and handplane up to an 11' 6" Naish SUP.
The white board was my most recent buy, a 6' 3" 7S Cog as a quad or thruster. This board has been a revelation and proof of how board design can help us evolve as surfers and keep the stoke alive. It is packed with foam and easily floats my 83kg's. As a quad it really flies and I love it.

Over those 39 years of surfing I have chosen to travel a lot and have enjoyed many countries and cultures at the expense of a high paying career. Some great trips to New Zealand, Australia, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka and West Africa to name just a few. We are now back in France since 2002 and are currently living in Brittany having moved up from the bustle and crowds of Biarritz in 2010. We have a house overlooking the sea and I get out on the water as often as I can. In fact, I am surfing more now than I have ever done which is keeping me fit and very happy. Fitness and core strength seem to be the keys to longevity for us older surfers so let's stay healthy. That and a warm modern leakproof wetsuit!!!

I hope to add a post or two on here as the mood takes me and I feel I have something to say. Thanks for the invite Huck.................á plus.............

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Phil - beautiful quiver, great variety of sizes and shapes, hope to hear more from you in the days and months to come! Thanks for contributing. :-)
