Friday, March 19, 2010

I've recently been reflecting on what changes have taken place in the span of my time in the water. It's natural to become nostalgic for that previous time when waves were less crowded and when maybe we had more agility and youth than we now posses.

But it's a fair bet that your positive mental state won't be best served by continually dwelling on the past. We live in the here and now and you will need all your accumulated knowledge and wisdom to deal effectively with the new and ever changing dynamic that you now find in the water. So enjoy fond memories but don't over indulge, instead remain proactive and positive about change and the future.

If you've been in the water for many decades you are by now a hardened and evolved barnacle encrusted waterman who has stayed the distance when many lesser beings have long ago opted for an easier, less disciplined life. And remember what you might lack to a small degree in youth and agility, you more than make up for in wave knowledge, water wisdom and a whole lot of other hard learned skills.

Fergus McDingo

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