Tuesday, January 24, 2012

pushing 70 and still surfing...

I got back into surfing in '96 after a 20 year layoff. My buddy and I rented a couple boards in Hawaii to see if we could still do it. He was much better than me, which inspired me to work my ass off and improve.

We both ended up with a quiver of longboards and surfed from Alaska to Costa Rica, dragging our wives along, all the while having a ball. ALS took him 3 years ago and I promised him to ride every wave for us as long as I could.

My original goal was to surf until age 70. Turned 69 last week, so I've pushed that goal up to 80 - Billy on Swaylocks

(note: random pic, not Billy)


  1. Great blog lets set it on fire! Billy c/ aka....bsea Swaylocks
    Just turned 60

  2. Never give up!
    Turned 64 last year, and had a double bypass in 2010.
    Still surfing, or at least I keep trying.
    If not in the water on a surfboard or boogie board, I'm in the water with my GoPro.
    Even up here in the cold Nor Cal waters of Marin County.

    Never Give Up What You Love Doing!
