Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back in the lineup at 62 - after 20+ years away!

Aloha - Here's a short bio: I'm currently 62 y/o and still surfing.

Attached are a few pics of my quiver, a pic of the gang at Bolinas circa 1967, and a pic of me taken in 2005 just after I started surfing again after a 20 + year hiatus, and before two spine surgeries at UCSF.

I currently live in the Northern California town of Petaluma and surf a spot north of the Golden Gate called Bolinas. I have been surfing there since I started in the late 50's.

Lived in Hawaii in the early 70's and work on Waikiki beach and surfed with Rabbit Kakei, Ben Aipa, Jerry Lopez, Dick Brewer, and many other locals of that era in the Islands.

Great Blog, Mahalo, Gary


  1. Gary - thanks for sharing your stoke! That's an incredible story, still surfing at 62 after two back surgeries! I sent you an invitation to be a contributor to this blog (check your emails), hope you will share some more stories and photos! - Huck

  2. Are there any Buzz boards in that photo?

  3. Dacoach, I wish I still had one of my old Buzz boards. He's still in Bolinas as an artist. Great of you to mention Buzz Boards.

  4. Can you name the board brands in the photo?

    I have become friends with Buzz this last year, what a great guy!!


  5. From L to R; Hobie, Gordie(my board), Hobie, and the green one is a Rick.

    In that pic it's interesting to note that at the time we surfed without wetsuit year round. It was more important for us to have a board than a $40 O'Neill Farmer John.

    And right you are about Buzz,

  6. Aloha Huck,
    Not bad for an ol' geezer!
    Must be the bananas ;-)

    I know this post is old, but I just found it.
    Hope you look at it now and then.
    Got any more old Bolinas shots?
    Ha. I might be in there.

    Need them for Buzz's website.

  7. I'm back! But how do I become a "contributor" again? Seems that I've lost my way around this Blog, but not the surf, and want to share some of my recent activities to include having had a double bypass.

    Remember, "Never Give Up what you love doing, no matter what age!"

  8. Hi Huck et al
    Glad to find this site. My surfing buddy Jack and I surf along the Mendocino Coast from Point Arena to Blues depending on swell and season. He started prepubescent and is now 60ish and still a magnificent and talented surfer. I didn't start until after I turned 50 (just turned 65 last year). I am a more traditional long boarder. Point, paddle and go. I figured why let the youngsters have all the fun. A couple years ago at PA there were five of us out on the South Point and Jack was the youngest. The oldest was Lester (local artist) who was 72 at the time. We are all still paddling out. "You go 'til you no mo can go."
    Have fun all.
