Sunday, January 24, 2016

Introducing Myself

Hi fellow surfers. I'm an Australian who just turned 59, having surfed a fibreglass board since 1971. As I have aged, I've continued to surf.

Since I turned 50, I've ridden shortboards, longboards, SUP, & am now back on reasonably short boards. My current all-rounder is a 6'4" x 19 5/8" x 2 5/8", custom shape by Grant Miller here in Sydney (he used to live & shape in Southern California in the '90's).

I have a reasonably flexible job, which allows me to get into the surf 3 to 5 times per week. I supplement this with floor exercises & light weights.

God-willing, I'm about to finish working full-time, move south of Sydney, do part-time work, & put more time into my family & surfing.

I look forward to reading more of your posts, & am aiming to contribute.

Your Aussie mate in surfing,



  1. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  2. Hi Steve I am a 68 year old woman who surfed for many years. Unfortunately I blew out both knees & the doc says no more.There are more than 1 way to skin a cat. I bellyboard & just bought a foamie to paddle & keep my arms & "the girls" in shape.I will never leave the water..not till the good Lord takes me home.

  3. I am 68. Surfing 10 years. Using a 10 x 23 x 3 longboard. And a Fatum Duke 7 feet as well. i am looking for something in between. Any surgestions??. I surf mainly Sw Portugal, and mooved to there to be near good surfspots.

  4. I AM Brazilian , 50, living at Sardinha island, Italy
    Iam big and heavy. 100 kg .
    Lattely had problems to catch waves , so I did buy a 7.6 big fish, it almost a small stand up I am catching A LOT OF WAVES , a magic board. I also have a long 9.1 ...lets keep surfing !

  5. Always love to surf fishing but in proper and safe way,The ODM Surf Belt may just save your life

  6. Hi from the Philippines. I just started surfing after a work related layover in Siargao. That first pop up and 10sec ride got me hooked. Will be turning 50 this April but this is the sport I have decided to grow old with. The rush brought me back to my competitive MTB downhill days 25 years before. Sometimes I regret not having discovered this passion earlier in my life. Now its all I can think about. And the best thing is got my wife hooked to this too. Soon as the kids grad from college it will be just us and the waves of Siargao forever.

  7. Hello Steve ! I´m from Argentina , Can you send me info about spots in Australia. Best regards. Oscar

  8. very great time to share and efforts to do useful like these informations. Keep it up

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